In the world of commercial real estate, buying and selling properties can...
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Negotiating the Security Deposit in Your Commercial Lease
Renting a new office, retail space, or commercial property requires careful...
25 Commercial Real Estate Terms You Should Know
Commercial real estate can be complex, often filled with terms that may seem...
When to Start Looking for a New Commercial Office Space
When should you start looking for a new commercial office space? Typically,...
Terms to Look For in Your Commercial Lease Agreement
A commercial lease agreement can feel intimidating, especially for those who...
8 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Contractor
Let's look at things to consider before hiring a contractor to do work on your...
Renegotiating A Commercial Lease
Let's examine renegotiating a commercial lease. If you are currently leasing...
Abated Rent on Commercial Leases
Let's examine abated rent on commercial leases from both the landlord's...
Finding the Right Contractor for Your Project
Here are some tips on finding the right contractor for your project from our...